I took this photo in 2012 and typical of what you expect of a atrorubens photo: B.Yorke (Click over to enlarge) |
"Flowers of a purple colour (both petal and sepal), flowers to two sides of the stem only, a purple stem, leaves opposite one another by alternatives and which profile themselves at a sharp upright angle etc etc. But things don't always turn out like that! so please carry on and read these pages and then you may (or may not find) normal even MORE fascinating" One thing is for sure IT IS A EVER CHANGING STORY.......OF BOTH DEVELOPMENT AND INTRIGUE.
These pages have been started to share with you my research notes together with regular reports of what is happening with the beautiful plants the "EPIPACTIS ATRORUBENS" and E. Helleborine's which choose to have their home on Hutton Roof Crags. I am currently collating all the information and including much more on a regular basis (more so during the Orchid season itself, so please keep coming back to check us out.
It is such a pleasure to share with you photos and information.
Please click over the indexed items below to go straight to what you want to read
Click here for Hutton Roof Crags and it's Reserves - A Short history how it got it's status - together with the types of orchid we have and how many are present.
Please click over the indexed items below to go straight to what you want to read
Click here for Hutton Roof Crags and it's Reserves - A Short history how it got it's status - together with the types of orchid we have and how many are present.
Click here for help with the Identification of our nationally rare "hybrid" between the Dark Red Helleborine and the Broad Leaved Helleborine
Click here to see the history of the hybrid together with some of the hybrid examples which we have on Hutton Roof.
Click here to read and see examples of our Bicolors
Albiflora (A pallid form of atrorubens)
Pallens and Lutescens (pallid forms of atrorubens)
Plants with White or Cream Epichile/Boss etc
Variagated plants (variety of helleborine)
Chlorantha (variety of helleborine)
Purpurea (variety of helleborine)
The Westmorlandii
Epipactis helleborines from Hutton Roof
Dark Stemmed Helleborine or Hybrids
Chlorantha (variety of helleborine)
Purpurea (variety of helleborine)
The Westmorlandii
Epipactis helleborines from Hutton Roof
Dark Stemmed Helleborine or Hybrids
The four natural predators of our orchids (complete)
***Beware of Ticks (factsheets)
Lovely Plants - Straight Atrorubens
Interesting plants to get to the bottom of
Unanswered situations
Interesting unusual specimens
Specimens still not classified and the verdict is out!
Cages and Protection for Orchids
Early Purple Orchid - Gallery (Hutton Roof)
Fly Orchid - Gallery (Hutton Roof)
Common Spotted Orchid - Gallery (Hutton Roof)
Green Winged Orchid - Gallery (Silverdale)
Interesting Orchid Notes
Diary Pages 2017
Diary Pages 2018
Diary Pages 2019
Diary Pages 2020
My beloved Hutton Roof,
A special place for Epipactis and a place where
The straight forward has become the rarity
And the rarity has become the norm.
Rubens or Borines which do you want?
A Schmalhauseneii mix for you Sir!
Today can be the purple wash,
Tomorrow can be the green wash.
But we have some green ovary specials,
With a brownier flower to bear and stare,
Called No.9, 9a,9b,9c and so on and on and on
And away until they are gone!
We have some Lemon Petalled beauties,
Small, mediums and largest and blessed,
Green stems or purple stems we have the mix,
Stunning our pupil since 2014 that’s young
What about a Palens Ma’am,
In Lutescens mix or you can have a green cream flavour,
Both are staring “wimperley” but this is only part
Of a start of something far more special.
Here we have the very first on English soil I am told,
Called “Albiflora” and what a little gem it was
It lacks a lot of colour dear “Albi” green and white,
I even looked through transparency at some of its sight!
Make a path to the bottom of this hill
Where flowers of purpurea live out their days,
It’s a sort of red wine colour they display some years,
Darker with canopy, lighter with sun.
To my North I can see a Helleborine change
Which is so pale and bright!
Often called a special or by name
Viridiflora’s sight.
(Poem I wrote July 2016)
(Poem I wrote July 2016)