Hybrid of both Epipactis helleborine x E. atrorubens

Some history of the HYBRID (Helleborine latifolia and H.atropurpurea and then Epipactis latifolia and E. atrorubens and later to become E. helleborine x E. atrorubens)

(photo above: thanks to Paul Redshaw)

Was the first British Record of the rare hybrid between both E. Helleborine x E. atrorubens called Epipactis schmalhauseneii? NO it was not. If you read the Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles report from 1920 Vol 6 Part 1 Page 46 (available free on the internet). You will see that the hybrid was first recognized and recorded back in 1919 in the village of Grassington, Yorkshire by John Crowther a well known pharmacist/botanist of the area. Although discovered by John the new naming of the hybrid was given by Dr. G. Claridge Druce whom was the Secretary of the Botanical Society & Exchange Club of the British Isles. The description states the hybrid between E. latifolia (pre E. Helleborine) and E. atropurpurea (pre E. atrorubens) was named after the finder at first it was named Helleborine crowtheri and the following year in 1920 the description within the Botanical Society records shows as "Epipactis crowtherii". The next mention of the hybrid within the UK was much later in 1980 when it was re-discovered in the County of Northumberland. Since then the hybrid has been found within Cumbria in particular on Hutton Roof Crags (CWT) were intensive studies have been carried out since 2012.
Follow on learning of the hybrid leads us to:

Epipactis schmalhauseneii  - It is now thought that Johannes Theodore Schmalhausen a Ukranian botanist first discovered the rare hybrid in his homeland somewhere around 1874. Yet it seems it was much later eg 1890 that it was first described by Karl Richter (Austrian botanist) (Pl. Eur 1: 284 (1890) from a hybrid being found in Germany. This earlier information (Schmalhausen) would be the predecessor to John Crowther's discovery by some 45 years. (this to be confirmed). Further studies show that German botanist Franz Vollman (1858-1917) also mentions E. Schmalhausenii in his "FLORA VON BAYERN" (Vollman 1914 page169). This name is the one now accepted within modern nomenclature for all parts of Europe.

And now back to the modern:

I would like to share with you some of my prime looking plants which I consider to fall within the areas of hybrid, but first just a few photos showing you how close both parent plants can be to one another.  

Parent photos: (six)

On the left we have E. Helliborine and on the right
 we have E. Atrorubens  (Click over photo to enlarge)

the distance between both plants is approx 12". 
Photo: Bryan Yorke 15th July 2012
Ref: Photo Parents 1

These photo above and below shows typical examples of how close the Epipactis relation do become.  I see several examples of this throughout my exploits on Hutton Roof.  In these sort of situations it is quite understandable just why the two get together and in so doing can create the HYBRID also known by Epipactis Schmalhauseneii).

This is how close the different helleborines get, its no wonder we have hybrids!  A good example showing both species in flower 24th July 2019 -Ref: Photo Parents 2

Ref: Photo Parents 3

Ref: Photo Parents 4
Below we have another pair with both E. Helleborine and E. Atrorubens within 6" of one another.

Atrorubens - Helleborine - Helleborine on 28th July 2020
Ref: Photo Parents 5

Lower pavements 2021

And now our hybrid records

Specimen 1

My very first Schmalhauseneii
find in 2012 and called Specimen 1
(Click over to enlarge)

Yes this will I suppose always be a very special plant for me and the very first suspected Schmalhauseneii I found back in 2012 and was given the title of Specimen 1 of which it still retains that number.

I was immediately drawn to the plant being different to the norm by being much bolder in stature, with a most impressive purple stem and a strikingly large round basal leaves to either side of the stem, also there were a large number of bunched flowers coming from all sides of the stem.

You would think the specimen would be very safe with it being about 2ft down within a gryke and sheltered from all sides.  But it still becomes very vunerable because these sort of areas although you may think are the best for protection from severe weathers or mammals, they can become very damp areas and as such be a attraction to slugs.  Unfortunately that's what happened to this plant in both 2015 and again in 2016 it fell to slug predation.

Spec No.1 taken on 15th July 2013 (Click over to enlarge)

In its second year it had fewer flowers.  This photo probably gives you a good idea of the very large basal leaves including a large secondary basal leaves higher up the stem.

Spec No:1 Schmalhauseneii taken on 27th June 2014 (Click over to enlarge)

Spec No:1 showing some of the flowerhead on 27th June 2014 (Click over to enlarge)

This plant did start to show a little lemon-petalled creeping in from back in 2014 and you can just see evidence of that within this plant, albeit it is only showing on the tips and outer edges of the petals.

On this the first of the "bolder" specimens, you can see clearly were the fluffy bosses take up 3/4 of the width of the Epichile.

The plant did come through in both 2015 and 2016 but sadly was predated during its early stages, thought to be a slug predation in both years.

This is Schmal 1 on 27th May 2017 (Click over to enlarge)

Schmalhausenii No.1 on 24th June 2017
(Click over photo to enlarge)
The plant is back with us this year (2017) with just slight damage to the basal leaf which had obviously been 50% predated in the early days, but has done OK since. So this plant to my knowledge is definately in it's fifth year.

(26th August 2017) all OK

Specimen 1 on Lancelot Clark Storth (CWT) on Thurs 21st June 2018
Click over to enlarge)

2018  Did well again in 2018, I am sure it is helped by being about 18" down in a grike. I have watched it develop well since my first find back in 2012, so I guess I can confirm it is now in its sixth year to my knowledge.

2019  Sadly the plant has not come through this year. Not sure sure whether this is down to last summers heatwave which seems to have done considerable damage to most of our special orchids.

 Schmal 1 on 27th May 2020

 Schmal 1 on 27th May 2020

2020  The plant was OK on 28th May 2020 has can be seen from the above photos, but sadly when I checked it again on 25th June 2020 it was obvious it had been predated and cut at the lowest point by suspected Brown Hare.  

Photo: 13th July 2021

(below) 2021  The plant came through successful in 2021 (see above photo).

Photo: Lancelot 13th July 2021 - Flora of Cumbria party


Specimen 8

Specimen No.8 in 2014 (its best year yet), 

This was a beautiful specimen which I was privileged to find on 7th July 2014, It measured 18" in height and bore 39 flowerheads, lovely thick green stem and deeply grooved spiralling leaves, slight purple wash to 6 ridges of the ovary.  Basal leaf large and edged in purple. Epichile median at 19mm wide with median boss widths of approx 12mm wide.  Boss to epichile 62%. Boss bold and very frilly, Stem from ovary to stalk washed purple.

2015 report - Plant doing well on 11th July, and by the 17th July the plant looked very poorly and had been invaded by Black Aphids (see photo below).

This was No.8 in 2015 - Black Aphid predation (Click over photo to enlarge)

You sadly witness all life being sucked from the plant with the invading "Black Aphids" and also you witness large black ants which are obviously farming the aphids for their milk. Obviously that year the plant died prematurely.

2016 Report -  I first checked out the plant on 25th June and it was noted that the plant had been cut and would not do anything. Interestingly a stone surround cage had been built around this plant which gave it a tight protection and because of this you would not think of a hare being the predator so could only presume perhaps a slug had been responsible, although no slug was anywhere near the plant. Just maybe somehow the plant had a "harecut".

This photo shows a close up of Spec 8 taken in 2014 (photo: Bryan Yorke) Click over to enlarge.
I have shown this leaf and stalk close up photo of Specimen No.8 (possible Schmalhauseneii) here because if you look at the photo earlier of the plant other than the actual flowers you could be forgiven for thinking there is no red showing on the plant its all green (= helleborine).  But that is not the case you will always find some "red" somewhere especially when you look to the areas where the leaf joins the stem and also at lower areas of the stem may show signs of "red" just like we have here.  Also worth noting from this particular photo is you can almost see the "teeth" on the leaf margins without microscope and a point maybe worth noting is that the "teeth" look as though they could be transparent. Remember here we are looking at the leaf structure of a possible "hybrid" and not a atrorubens, although the flower is a "bold atrorubens flower lead" and the timing of the plant coincides exactly with early atrorubens.

Specimen 8 in 2018 - Back with us after all its problems
Click over to enlarge

2018  It was great to see Specimen No.8 back with us after all its problems since 2014 with aphid predation and then the slug predation etc. But thankfully its looking like it has persevered although slightly stunted and weakened it is doing OK. Just look at the light green in this specimen and look at the photos prior to this which show the plant in its former glory. And yet with so much light green in the stem make up you will also note that the "red" is showing clearly on the lower stem which is the usual case with thise specimens (3rd July 2018). Sadly a few days later (7th July 2018) the plant went down yet again, but this time with severe dehydration.

2019  Sadly it has not even come through this year and I feel that it will be a result of the draught situation in 2018.

2020  It came through again as a twin, but much smaller in stature although doing OK, but sadly was heavily caged yet predated and nibbled off inflorescence. Considered to be possible Vole damage.

2021 It came through again as a twin but only small to medium in size. 


Specimen 9 and 10

If we can now move on to Specimen 9 and 10 which are shown below:

Specimen 9 and 10 Schmalhauseneii (Click over to enlarge)
2014 I can still remember receiving a phone call back on the 6th July 2014 alerting me to these two majestic offerings which flowered in close company of several other Schmalhausenii together with numerous variants etc.  I guess the area was a "hot spot", and that's exactly how it remains today.

These two plants in particular were striking because I had never seen a pair of schmalhauseneii (or atrorubens for that matter) that had this type of colouring with the light features throughout - the light green stood out with the ovary, the bracts against a light green stem and leaves.  The only atrorubens make up on view was the flower itself which had pink coloured petals and sepals.

No.9 had 40 flowers and No.10 (on its right) had an amazing 50 flowers. No.10 the tallest of the two stands at 21 3/4" whereby No.9 the smaller of the two on the left stands at 20". Further measurements I got for No.10 was the Epichile width was 12-15mm, and Boss width 9mm. Yet another interesting fact I have learnt about hybrids is that in the majority of cases they will be paired just like these specimens.

In 2015 an attempt was made and No.10 actually produced an immature plume, but then showed signs of the plume cut and left dangling.  The specimens had been caged and it was presumed that the predator in this case may well have been slugs.

Schmal Spec 9 and 10 in 2015 - one started to come through, but 10 came through and was
bitten off and left dangling although cage protected - we put this down to Slug predation
Click over photo to enlarge (photo: Bryan Yorke)

In 2016 one of the plants failed although one of the plants came through OK but in a much reduced size.

I can't say that I have ever seen any plants either pre or since that which bear that distinctive colouring as these two, without doubt a ONE OFF!

Although after saying that I have in 2016 found several in the very close proximity (lets say 15 to 20 ft) of that very light specimen, that do bear a strong resemblance although much smaller delicate plants.  This resemblance is not seen on any other plants outside of the area in question.  So I do have a strong feeling that these particular plants could well be the "offspring" of 9 and 10.  I will be able to show you a photo of suspected offspring eg: 9a etc very soon.

Specimen 9a

Here is 9a which I believe will be a "offspring" from Spec 9 shown above,
 there are even more which meet the same criteria Photo taken in 2016
 (Click over the image to enlarge)
This is Specimen 9a which I consider maybe a offspring to No.9/10 shown above. On this specimen please note the "bent green stem" appearance, this is particularly noticeable on so many "possible schmalhauseneii" 

Specimen 10 or 9b or 10b 

This could be a weakened down version of Spec 10 in 2016 or alternatively it will be
Spec 9b or 10b.  But again its more than probable that this is related to our original
Spec 9 or 10. (Click over to enlarge)  (Photo: Bryan Yorke 7th July 2016)

Specimens 9,10,11,12

This has always been a interesting area with several prominent Schmalhauseneii. (Photo: Bryan Yorke July 2014) Click over to enlarge
The area is still good today (2016) yet the layout has changed considerabily eg: You can see in the centre right Specimens 9 and 10 (light phase). Today only one of the plant survives in this area and that plant is only about half the size of how it shows in this photo.  To the left of the photo are the more colourful Specimens 11 and 12 and another (unamed).  In 2016 these plants are not in this position but have moved slightly to their left of this photograph. I can recognize these plants family trait from the photo I will show now from 2014 and the follow up photo from 2016.

Specimen 11 - (Atrorubens led hybrid potential)

Specimen No.11 on 7th July 2014 (Click over to enlarge)

Specimen 11 - Close Up taken on 8th July 2017 (Click over to enlarge)

Specimen 11 was first noted back in 2014 and has always been one of our more bolder and taller of hybrid specimens and always came up close to another and thought possibly to be of the same rhizome (11a and shown lower down).  It is immediately striking with its light green features especially in regard to it's stem and also to it's height, you straightaway give claim to E. Helleborine features. Closeby to Specimen 11 is also No.11b which was caged in 2016 and 2017 - see below.  It is thought that maybe this specimen relates from 11.  Also if do have another which is thought to be a close relation and named 11c which is actually about 100 yards North of 11 and this plant looks very much like it could well have come from the same stock.  A photo will be included shortly.

2018 Update - Specimen Schmalhauseneii No. 11

Specimen came through OK and stands very tall.  Sadly yet again the specimen was predated with the plume being removed before it managed to get into full bloom. The specimen is large and stands at around a metre tall.

Epipactis schmalhauseneii specimen No.11
Photo: 13th July 2019 - Hutton Roof

This is Specimen No.11 which lies central to the 9s population, I have recorded this first generation schmalhauseneii now since 2014. It is a very tall plant to one metre and heavily laden with deep purple flowers which you can see in the photo below.

Epipactis schmalhauseneii specimen No.11
Photo: 13th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Shows the leaves and stem of specimen 11

Epipactis schmalhauseneii specimen No.11
Photo: 13th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Shows the lovely deep red/purple flowers

2018 Update - Specimen Schmalhauseneii No. 11 (15th July 2019)

All doing OK, see photos above, caged throughout

2020 update - Only hi-vigour schmal to survive and has done well again this year, caged and last seen on 15th July 2020. 

2021 update - Came through again and matured with seed dispersal

Specimen 11a - (Atrorubens led hybrid potential)

This plant stands right at the side of No.11 and could well be twinned.  

Specimen 11b - (Atrorubens led hybrid potential)

Specimen 11b within one metre W of Spec 11 and 11a
Photo: Bryan Yorke 19th July 2017
June 20th 2018 - top bitten off - deer predation

We do have this one currently caged and its within striking distance of where 9,10,11,12 and their offspring take residence so its more than likely to be from that family mould.  It is a striking plant as you can see here. It was getting a little late when I took the photo on 19th July and thats why you see the slight burnt edges.  It is thought to have hybrid potential and directly related to 11 and subsequently this plant should now be called 11b.

2020 Update - Came through OK but then predated inflorescence presumed Brown Hare before any flowering. 

Specimen 11c 

Specimen 11c - hybrid in 2017 (Click over to enlarge)
See next photo for close up

Close up of 11c in 2017 which is about 100 yards NW of 11 (Click over to enlarge)

2017 - Plant first discovered about 100 yards NW of Specimen 11 - sadly the plant was took down by Roe Deer only days after this photograph.

2018 - last few days of June the plant was predated by Roe Deer

2020 - Plant came through and caged all doing well and now ovary ripening

2021 - Plant came through OK and flowered

11c in company of 3 classic atrorubens.
Click over to enlarge

2020  Above shows the plant on 17th June 2020.  You can see here in the photo of the comparison against two classic atrorubens - nice photo for stem colour comparisons. 

Specimens 15, 15a,15b

Shows Specimen No. 15 in infancy (Photo: Bryan Yorke 16th June 2015) Click  over to enlarge)

The beautiful Specimen 15 and 16 (now 15a) in 2014 (Click over to enlarge)
2014 - Shown at its very best! Make the most of them! because they will never ever look the same the following year. Lovely "keeled" leaf examples and probably the best of all the larger schmals.

This was No.15 and 16 (now 15a) fell victim to Hare predation in 2015 - Click over photo to enlarge
(Photo: Bryan Yorke 26th July 2015)

In 2015 the plants had just reached the stage where the plumes were straightening out (see above) and sadly at that stage a Brown Hare decided to give them a "Harecut".  I wouldnt have minded so much if he had actually eaten the plants, but no just bit them and left one of them dangling as you can see in the photo.

In 2016 No. 15 did come through (see photo below), although No.16 (now 15a) just remained a stump.  No. 15 was not as good a looking as in 2014 (photo above) but seemed to always look a little dried out especially in the leaf lower section and also the flower colours were also much weaker or would it be that they are turning to show the "Lemon Petalled" phenomenem.  I will show a photo below so you can see the difference for yourself. Obviously if this be the case then it will only make everything that little more complicated because up to now, we have not had interference within a Schmal with the Lemon Petalled, this so far has been purely associated with atrorubens variety only and not until now associated with hybrid! but is all this about to change?  

No.15 in 2016 strong but leaves always looked very dry
 and "creasy" and losing
 that beautiful keeled example which you could 
see back in the 2014 specimens, 
however excellent example of leaf spiralling.
 No.15a just remained a stump (Click over to enlarge)
Photo:  21st July 2016

2017 - Sat June 3rd - Schmals No.15 and 16 (now 15a) plus another (maybe Schmal 15b) - Click over to enlarge
This was a nice surprise to find a additional plant coming through with Schmalhauseneii No's 15 and 15a so lets hope if makes it to be 15b. I have noted already that the plants have been predated probably by slugs which seem to have been nibbling the edges of the leaves on 15 and 15a.  I did check around the plants but could not find the culprit.

2017 - Sadly the plants were predated yet again before flowering.

2018 - Sadly the plants were predated by Brown Hare before flowering

2019 - Sadly the plants were predated by Brown Hare before flowering even after being caged. See photos and notes below. 

 Epipactis schmalhauseneii (hybrid)
Photo: 17th July 2019 - Hutton Roof

(2019) Cheeky Brown Hare, had already nipped two spikes up to yesterday and has now been back and nipped the third and remaining spike. I have nicknamed him (Brown Hare) "tickley chin" because he his bending his head over and down into the cage for at least 6" to be able to reach these to nip them off and must be scratching his chin on the chicken wire.  Well at least he has taken them away to hopefully eat them which does make a change, normally they just nip them and leave them to rot away (see photo further down). Next year will have a even taller cage and we will see how he goes on with that!! it is a pity he always wants the rare hybrid schmalhauseneii......

2020 - Sadly none of the plants came through - probably caused through drought weather.

2021 - All three plants came through, 2 flowered with seed dispersal.

Specimen 15c 

Specimen 15c 
This beauty came through in 2017, and proved to be a record by having no less than 62 flowers or buds which went all around the stem.  The plant lies approx 20 yards from what I believe will be its parentage of Specimens 15,15a. The plant was 15 1/2" tall with a thick purple stem. It lies 5ft from a large Juniper bush.  The plant first flowered on 29th June and was taken down by a Brown Hare on 6th July 2017.  It is my intention to try and cage this plant in readiness for the 2018 season. 

2018  The plant came through again in 2018 and was caged for it's own good, and although did mature was stunted growth just like many others especially around the 15s area on account of severe heatstroke!  Here is a photo showing the plant

15c with it's new cage for 2018 (click over to enlarge)
2018 - And here is a photo showing the plant in 2018 at it's stunted maturity taken last few days of June 2018

2019 Plant never showed believe to be because of 
drought in previous year.

2020 - Sadly although the plant came up twinned, but somehow even though a tight cage was fitted the plants had been nibbled and think it was perhaps the work of Vole

Hybrids 15d and 15w to its right hand
Photo: July 2021

2021 - Came through to medium growth, flowered with seed dispersal.

(below) 15h 

Specimen's 17s (Notes from 17th Aug 2017)

The Cul-de-sac of Area 17 which has lots and lots of interesting Epipactis (Click over to enlarge)

The area which I call "17" is approximately (150ft long x 40ft wide) and sort of partially enclosed with canopy of Hazels and rowan and ash on one side and bracken fern on the other side. It produces some fine specimens of both Atrorubens and Helleborines alike, and also I do have several suspected hybrids. The last count I did of area 17 about one month ago (July 2017) I managed to count over 80 Atrorubens (which may have included hybrids) and approx 10 x E. Helleborines. It is really surprising how these little pockets of areas are so individual in their own particular make-up and the local plants can in some cases be so different to every else on the same Fell. I guess one of the main features of area "17" and a feature only replicated in part on "Escarp"  The majority of these have a lovely atroruben flowers but seem to have good strong "Helleborine" leaf profiles, usually starting with "dish shaped large basal leaves and then going into the larger "Broad type leaves" which give you the impression they are at least holding some part introgression features". The area at present has only one absolutely stunning bicolor specimen which it seems is not influencing any of the other plants at the moment. Although there is a lovely specimen No.17 which is very pale with a good strong "light green" stem. Also very special this year (and originally found by Pauline Mellor-Greenhalgh) are a lovely light coloured (unusual unique coloured) trio coming up from the same rhizome and these little beauties are called specimens 17d,17e,17f, besides having a very light green stem have brown coloured ovaries and also their epichiles and bosses are of a cream colour. They are just less than intermediate in height (approx 15" to 18") and well stocked with flowers clinging to three sides of their stem.


Specimen 17a 

This is the beautiful Specimen 17a
thought to be a hybrid -photo taken 11th July 2019.
This year the leaves are compressed - check against 2017 photo below

This is Specimen 17b (photo 8th July 2017)
This is 17a which shows just at the gateway to the 17 area.  It is a little beauty standing at around the 16" height, with a mid to dark green stem and purple ovaries, with two tone purple flowers. The extra large leaves are folded. 

(11th July 2019) This year you can see the plant is suffering from leaf compression (see photos above).  The specimen has always had such fantastic leaf profile compared to others of this stature, which you can see in the previous photos. It could be possible that the damage this year will have been caused through last years heatwave. 

(20th June 2018) Top bitten off through deer predation


Specimen 17d,17e and 17f 

Specimens 17d,17e,17f (Click over to enlarge)
The trio are from the same rhizome rootstock and do have a unique colourization which is obvious on first viewing. The plants are of a intermediate size in the 12",14" and 16" range. The stems of the plant are light green. They have striking creamy coloured epichile and bosses (see photo below) and another unusual factor is represented by the striking brown ovaries. The plant came through well and was first found by Pauline Mellor Greenhalgh in 2017. Sadly the trio fell victim to deer predation before they got chance to seed off. 

(23rd June 2018)  All three have come through but only two of them are flowering 17f has not grown a flowerhead - now caged for protection.

A close up showing the creamy epichile and bosses of 17d,17e (Click over to enlarge)
Photo: July 2017

Click over to enlarge
Photo: 2017 Hutton Roof

This is our very special specimen 17d (PMG) which was a trio in 2017, but in 2018 the plants were predated.  This year the plant has come up well but only has a single plant.

It has a colour of its very own but much darker this year, and what makes it even more special is that the epichile and bosses are cream colour to each individual flower.  Not only that some of the flowers are still the wrong way around as you can see in the following photos, but also together with two of the flowers the hyperchile has not opened, I have checked a past photo from 2017 (which I will put under this photo) and you see within this photo that even back then in 2017 one of the flowers had this same closed hyperchile problem. 

 Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Specimen 17d (PMG)

 Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Shows the full flowering spike
Specimen 17d (PMG)

 Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Shows from the back of the plant with two flowers still upright.
Specimen 17d (PMG)

Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
This shows a closer photo of the hyperchile which has not opened 
(there are 2) Specimen 17d (PMG)

Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Showing spiralling leaves etc
Specimen 17d (PMG)

Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Specimen 17d (PMG)

Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Specimen 17d (PMG)

 Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
This shows two of the flowers with closed hyperchiles
Specimen 17d (PMG)

 Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Specimen 17d (PMG)

Click over to enlarge
Photo: 15th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Shows full plant
Specimen 17d (PMG)

Photo of 17d (PMG) taken in 2020

17d PMG Bicolor hybrid
Photo: 15th July 2021

Specimen 17K 
Left: as of 30th May 2020 and Centre as of 9th June 2020 and right 2019
Nibbled off by Brown Hare by 15th June 2020

Checked on 20th May, 30th May, and taken down by the 9th June 2020.  Also noted by the 15th June both it's neighbours K1 and K2 had also been browsed off by Brown Hare.

First time for a few years Specimen No. 17k has been able to flower without actually being predated prior to flowering. 
Photo: 11th July 2019 - Hutton Roof

First time for a few years Specimen  17k 
has been able to flower without actually being predated prior to flowering. 
Photo: 11th July 2019 - Hutton Roof


Specimen 17K1 (2020)

This was 17K1 on 15th June 2020

Checked out on 15th June and had been taken down with Brown Hare

Specimen 17K2 (2020)
Checked out on 15th June and had been taken down with Brown Hare

Specimen 17p 

 Epipactis Specimen 17p
17th July 2019 - Hutton Roof

(17th July 2019) - Up to today this was one of our prized hybrids (specimen 17p), but I see Mr. Brown Hare has been around overnight and again done his usual trick, just snips of the lovely flowerhead which is then left dangling to rot away....always doing this trick! 

(2020) - Sadly the plant never came through.     

The diagnosis of 17q to be a Schmalhauseneii

Now then today 20th July 2021 I have decided to go back on my long term studies of specimen 17q and now I do feel confident in being able to diagnose it has a hybrid (Epipactis schmalhauseneii). Here are the early day photos from the 8th July and right up to the plant starting to turn on the 19th July. 

I have thought now for some five years or more that it was a special hybrid, but just wanted to be absolute (or as near to absolute as one can get.

Like I say it's history has always given this one a typical hybrid look, eg: straightaway you note the basal and especially the secondary orbicular leaves (3), are more likely to be seen on a helleborine rather than a atroruben flowered and timed plant like this one is, but sure enough you can see helleborine and also note the leaves are also spiralling around the stem which again is another helleborine feature. It is interesting to note that this "orbicular" in the secondary leaves has been noted already also on Specimen 1 over on Lancelot. Leaf information shows: 1 small basal, 3 orbicular (spiralling), 3 ovate (spiralling) 1 Lanceolate (small).

7th July 2021
a special plant needs added protection

17q on 10th July 2021

the inflorescence seems to tell a story with most of the hybrids, with its compactness all around the stem, with flowers tightly packed together just like this. Its another typical helleborine feature.

This is 17q a few days on, and taken out of its cage for a photograph. All the ground work has already been carried out with this plant over the past years, but having ticked several boxes for the hybrid already, the next and final test is very much more difficult but now with the flowers out on the inflorescence I now have to try and establish if anything of the hybrid mix can be seen and confirmed within the flower itself. 

 I want to see as near to a helleborine callosity as possible (two humps at the top of the epichile), although I do also want to see at the same time, ever so slight atroruben callosity as well at the same area (in other words the slightest of a frill which you do get from atrorubens). So your trying to read the mix which if it had been a straight 50/50% then my job would be so straightforward, but there is only a slight chance there will be an equal ratio. But because we have already accounted for so much helleborine in the plant, there is every chance the flower could be a little more biased in favour to a atrorubens callosity. I also would prefer if the callosity are glossy rather than dry. These are all strong pointers again to signs of hybrid.

If I can determine the mix within the flower, it really is the icing on the cake!

(above) This is a cracking photo for showing the callosity and I can see at the point of the bosses were I can see the raised humps or bumps of the E.helleborine, yet I can also see the frilly of the E. Atrorubens, all rolled into one which is a sure sign of hybridization.

(above) Yes I am clear on this I can see both within the callosity of the epichile so there you have it! the working out of whether it be a hybrid or not and on this occasion I am quite satisfied that this Specimen 17q meets all the requirements to be classified as a hybrid or Epipactis schmalhauseneii. 


Specimen 33 - bicolor 

Specimen 33 on 28th June 2017 (Click over to enlarge)
Specimen 33 on 24th June 2017 (Click over to enlarge)
Specimen 33 0n 23rd June 2018 (Click over to enlarge)
Note the loss of cream epichile and also note that the green apple colour
to the bottom lip is still prevalent 

This is a very strong specimen at the base of a small hazel bush.  All around it are more nice specimens which some could well be related to 33. It is clear that the specimen does have bicolor qualification and also of interest is that the Epichile and bosses are very light and almost to a white (prior to 2018).

(23rd June 2018) Photos taken and noted this year that the cream epichile and bosses have now bred out as you can and replaced with a more defined pinkish colour, yet the apple green colour tip to the tip of the epichile remains.

Specimen 40,40a 

Specimen No.40 bicolor (Click over to enlarge)
(June 2018) caged but suspected "stunted" growth due to drought weather conditions - all OK on 23rd June.

(June 2017) deer predation within days of reaching flower maturity

(June 2020 Growing well as a twin, then predated although caged


Specimen 41b (was previously 38)  Click over to enlarge

Specimen 41b lies to the South side of the "Top Copse" and quite close to (Variagated No.1). It's a lovely plant that I first recorded in 2015.   It lies within close company of two other similar atrorubens which are of the same height with green stems and similar build.  This specimen shows mid to dark green strong stem, 18 1/2" high, small basal leaf and then distichous. 2" gap between top leaf and first bract ascending. A magnificient 54 all around flowers. 10ft away from nearest E. Helleborine (2015) This plant does have some similarities to nearby 15s family

(2017) Predated mid-June.

Specimen 55o1 
(20ft W of boulder stone
originally alba)

Photo: 13th July 2019 - Hutton Roof

Photo: 13th July 2019 - Hutton Roof

Specimen 55 schmal area
 (Just behind boulder stone)

Photo: 13th July 2019 Hutton Roof

Photo: 13th July 2019 Hutton Roof

Specimen 69  (2019) 

Specimen 69
Photo: 17th July 2019 - Hutton Roof

(17th July 2019)  - Specimen 69 Plant doing well, check out photos above

Here we have the lovely Specimen 69 which I first found in 2016, a good typical helleborine influenced stem together with typical helleborine leaves spiralling around the stem. The area is just on the edge of mature woodland and he is surrounded with several helleborines. See below for close up of spike. 

Specimen 69
Photo: 17th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
showing inflorescence.

Specimen 69
Photo: 17th July 2019 - Hutton Roof
Showing large helleborine like leaves surrounding the stem

Specimen 69 (hybrid) (2018) 

Specimen 69 Hybrid (2017)

Photo 2017

Specimen 69  (2016)

Specimen 69 - hybrid - Click over to enlarge - photo 2016


Specimen 69a Hybrid (2020)

Shows 69a at the forefront - the smaller of the two - 9th June 2019

Present: 2017,2018,2019,2020

This photo was taken on 9th June 2020, but by my next visit on 15th June both 69 and 69a had been taken down by Brown Hare.  They had left the nearby E. Helleborines. 


Specimen 70  (2016)

Specimen 70 is a very colourful contrasting plant (Click over to enlarge)
This plant is very colourful which stands out a lot.  Again we have similarity in colour from Specimen 8 and also from 11 and 11a and it would not surprise me if these were related! This plant is far (approx 200 yards West) to the others which would be just right for normal prevailing wind flow I guess!

This specimen has been added this year (2016) and comes from a area which has lots of interesting plants growing all around both atrorubens and lots of lovely helleborine specimens so close together and it really does to me look like some mixture is about here, not just with this one (Spec 70) but lots of plants in the area.  

(2017)  This plant (70) came through as a duo (70,70a) with the same colourization and build. Unfortunately just after flowering the plants fell victim of the Roe Deer and had their spike removed.

(2020) This plant 70 and its twin 70a came through OK, but 70a was nibbled off in early July, 70 went on to flower and was still doing OK by 15th July 2020.

Specimen 73 (Atroruben led - hybrid potential)

Specimen 73 - (Click to enlarge)
This is a lovely specimen which is located between the area 70 and 69 and within one metre there is also further hybrids with 73a and also 73b (see photos further down)

Specimen 73a 

Specimen 73a (Click over to enlarge)

This is a beautiful little plant which only stands at about 10" high shows clear signs of lemon-petalled features and it was only discovered in 2017 although I had checked out Specimen 73 many times. Within one metre lies a large hybrid Specimen 73 and also another small specimen called 73b. It is striking with its very pale hypochile, epichile and bosses features. See the close up photo next.

This plant never showed again, 2018,2019,2020.

Specimen 73a on 10th July 2017 (Click over to enlarge)

Specimen 73b 

Specimen 73b (Click over to enlarge) - see below
Specimen 73b - Spike (Click over to enlarge)
Specimen 73b - Close Up (Click over to enlarge)
This is a beautiful little plant which grows down in a shallow grike. Only discovered in 2017 it is approx one metre away from 73 a tall hybrid and less than one metre away from the lovely 73a another small specimen. This specimen has not showed again in 2018,2019 and 2020

Specimen 74 - bicolor

Specimen 74 LP on Purple stem found 22nd July 2016 and was the last of the year
 (photo: Bryan Yorke) Click over photo to enlarge

Specimen 74 on 17th July 2017 (Click over to enlarge)

Of note with these bicolor specimens in some of the cases (less than 20%) the Epichile and bosses are quite light coloured in appearance showing cream or even white, but in general, they are of all shades "pink".

Today (14th August 2017) I have decided to do some home study on Specimen 74 (bicolor). I did go and check it out in the field only yesterday and the ovarys are very slow at swelling on this specimen, but what stood out a mile was the lower leaf structure which did have very dishy basal leaves which straightaway gives me the impression of possible introgression but can't be sure. 

Good indication of the "Helleborine" type leaves (Click over to enlarge)

Helleborine leaves - captured on photo 13th August 2017

Specimen 74 taken on 21st June 2018- Stunted growth (Click over to enlarge)

2018 (Thursday 21st June 2018) The above photo shows Specimen 74 where the plant should have been showing in full maturity eg 18" tall, but this year which just never made it.  It remained at that stunted level throughout and dieback.  Again another culprit of the severe dehydration this year.

Escarp 12

Today (16th August 2017) I decided to do some checking on what I call "ESCARP 12" (the reason some are called escarpment is purely the area on the Fell is just at the drop of yet another level. I have watched this plant now for some four years and it always has lovely "deep magenta" coloured flowers with no hint of (bicolor) although bicolor do grow within 10 yards of the plant. It comes up through close cover of nearby Hazel shrub. To it's left hand side of the plant there is a secondary plant (Escarp 11) which holds very similar colours and build to Escarp 12 and I would have no hesitation in thinking that they are from the same family, although 12 is slightly taller of a plant. I do suspect that there is a limited amount of introgression within this plant. Probably the first suspicion is gained through the broad dish shaped "helleborine" type leaves. Also the flowers do have a "around the stem" look to them. A very bold strong "purple" stem.
Also I did manage to note that the "atroruben red flush" was showing in part to the base of the toothline. So I guess with such strong magenta flowers, together with the strong purple coloured "thick" stem.

Escarp 12 on 10th July 2017 (Click over photo to enlarge)

Escarp 12 close up (Click over photo to enlarge)

Escarp 13

Escarp 13 - Bicolor (Click over to enlarge)

Escarp 13 - Close Up - Bicolor on 6th July 2017 (Click over to enlarge)

 Epipactis  'bicolor' Spec Esc 13
Photo: 17th July 2019 - Hutton Roof

Hybrid - Low Pavement No.1
found on 11th July 2020

On dark atroruben stem, large broad leaves spiralling stem, and in good company of 7 helleborines with no trace of atrorubens nearby.

 Low Pavement No.1
on 11th July 2020

 Low Pavement No.1
on 11th July 2020

  Low Pavement No.1
on 11th July 2020

Here is 9a which I believe will be a "offspring" from Spec 9 shown above,
there are even more which meet the same criteria Photo taken in 2016
 (Click over the image to enlarge)

Schmal No.4 in 2013, so bendy and so weak of a plant yet probably a schmal or a F2


This one is Specimen 100 and lies on the lower tiers of Burton Fell. I am only aware of its history since 2020 when I first found it. It came through again in 2021 as you can see on these photos and did have 65 flowers which is a record for us.

Both 2020 and 2021 the inflorescence was taken down by Roe Deer.